Retail / Commercial

Working alongside owners and architects, IES creates functional and sustainable design solutions for commercial and retail facilities. IES provides expertise on commercial and retail project of all sizes, from planning support through design and completion.

Promesa Office Building

San Antonio, Texas


SF: 15,610 SF

The 15,610 SF, two-story commercial/retail facility is a nonprofitinitiative to bring small businesses andjobs to San Antonio’s west side. The design features multiples offices, an open lobby and second floorconference room with balcony available for community events. The two-story Class “A” office buildingoffers commercial lease space and combines energy efficient building technologies with culturally-sensitive design. The building features a glass and steel feature lobby that generates a natural lightatrium effect. Colored stucco walls and glass with cultural motifsincorporated to highlight the Avenida’srich neighborhood history. The floor plan provides a natural flow of circulation. Office suites flank bothsides of the central Lobby. A focal open staircase with centralized elevator tower connects floors. Thebuilding is designed to accommodate single or multi-tenant spaces on both sides of the main lobby.Energy-efficient features include 1” insulated glass for optimum performance and protection of solarheat gain. Roof canopies further enhance the use of this efficient solar ban glass.Conceptualized anddeveloped by the Avenida Guadalupe Association, the project is partially funded by grants from the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the City of SanAntonio’s Community Development Block Grant program.

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